How Safe is Heating Oil?
Home heating oil systems have made such significant strides over the last few decades, making heating oil safe to use. Natural gas, propane, electric and other energy sources are all great options. But heating oil has been a steadily reliable, proven home heating method. You can count on heating oil to keep your home cozy and warm all year-round.
Many home energy experts also view heating oil as the safest means of keeping a home warm. There is little risk of explosion and no worries that the furnace will become hot enough to cause a fire.
Here are some ways that home heating oil is dependable in your home:

Heating oil will not burn in a liquid state.
Probably the biggest peace-of-mind that an oil heating system can bring to you as a new homeowner is the fact that heating oil, unlike gas, is not combustible when exposed to a flame. This is due to the fact that heating oil cannot burn in a liquid state.
In order to light heating oil on fire, it must be heated to above 140 degrees. That is the temperature at which heating oil begins to vaporize. That is the only point at which it can catch on fire. This contrasts natural gas and propane, both of which are highly combustible right from the get-go.
Heating oil is non-explosive.
Many who don’t know much about heating oil still have false misconceptions that storing a large tank filled with heating oil fuel means there are dangerous explosive materials sitting in or around the home. Don’t think of heating oil like you would think of a tank of propane. Heating oil will not combust while it is still in its liquid form (and as we learned above, you would need to heat the oil to at least 140 degrees before it would even begin converting form liquid to gas form in the first place).
Keep in mind that inhalation of oil fumes not fatal. Gas on the other hand is known as “the silent killer” because it has become the leading cause of death due to carbon monoxide poisoning in the U.S.
There are visible warnings if there is a malfunction.
With home heating oil systems, carbon monoxide leaks rarely happen without warning. If an oil heating system should malfunction, it will release smoke or soot as a visible warning. These early indicators will let you know that something is wrong long before dangerous levels of carbon monoxide can be released into the air.
You might also smell strong odors that last well past a few days. Those are usually early indications that you might have a leak or spill.
Today’s tanks are stronger and less likely to leak.
Whether your oil storage tank is hidden in your basement, outside or even underground, today’s tanks are composed of state-of-the-art steel and fiberglass, many with double walls of plastic and steel and sensors. These tanks are built to last for decades and many do.
Heating oil today burns much cleaner.
Some people still hold on to outdated associations between heating oil and the smoke or soot that old heating systems used to produce. Modern oil heat systems don’t create soot, dirt, or odors in the home when properly maintained.
Today’s technology has allowed modern heating oil systems to meet (and exceed) the standards of the Environmental Protection Agency. In fact, heating oil burns 95% cleaner now than in 1970 and the latest ultra-low sulfur products and biofuels continue to make it even cleaner and greener.
Heating Oil from Star Home Heat
If you are looking to purchase a property with a heating oil system, or if you currently own a home that uses heating oil, rest assured that you are using a safe form of energy to heat your home. Heating oil provides many wonderful benefits, especially to those located in the Northeast.
If you are looking to purchase heating oil at everyday low prices all from the convenience of your mobile devices, look no further! Get started today.